Attention! Changes have been made to the fee system

Attention! Changes have been made to the fee system


Dear users, the terms of transaction fees and working with BTT tokens have been changed.

We initially chose the path of low fees, 0.2% – this is 2.5-5 times less than our direct competitors offer, but with the development of our service, we face the need for more employees, more equipment.
For break-even operation and further development, a fee of 0.4% is required – we have set it up.
This is still less than the nearest competitors and will allow us to allocate more resources for development.
The process of switching from BTT (Minter) to BTT (Decimal) is in full swing, and since the cost and quantitative characteristics of the token have changed, we have also adjusted the conditions for the purchase of PRO and BOOST, to the calculated values in the equivalent of RUB.

We also remind you that by paying fees for transactions in BTT, you can get a discount on fee payments of up to 50% (read more