Top 5 AI-Blockchain Projects that You Need to Know

Top 5 AI-Blockchain Projects that You Need to Know


AI or artificial intelligence has recently become one of the most promising technological interventions. In fact, he is ready to change the way machines interact with people. In fact, artificial intelligence is directly related to the practice of allowing machines to perform tasks that require cognitive intelligence.

On the other hand, blockchain is a new system that can help in documenting digital information with greater security and transparency. Encryption and distribution of data between different computers using highly reliable and protected from unauthorized access databases in the blockchain are also changing the ways people and businesses store information.

Why use AI for blockchain solutions?

Since enterprises want to take advantage of AI in the blockchain, it is important to consider various prospects for its use. Constantly emerging projects with artificial intelligence and blockchain, which are listed on, gradually becoming more noticeable every day. Before diving into a brief description of the best AI-blockchain projects, it is important to understand exactly how these two most advanced innovations are combined with each other.

The first thing that establishes a perfect match between artificial intelligence and blockchain is encryption. Artificial intelligence presents various prospects for ensuring security by developing algorithms that can work with data only in an encrypted state. Blockchain, on the other hand, supports tracking, understanding and explaining decisions in AI.

Recording all decisions in the blockchain can help in auditing decisions made using AI consensus algorithms based on the input data offered by it. Support for complex recording of all solutions in the blockchain can simplify the audit of AI solutions. As a result, the public can get a clear idea of the trust in the use of artificial intelligence in the blockchain.

Advantages of using the AI blockchain

A higher level of transparency, along with the possibility of obtaining information about machines using the blockchain, can help in the development of public trust. The most important reason that is put forward when choosing AI for blockchain projects is the ability of AI to manage them effectively.

Algorithms based on artificial intelligence can study various processes and tasks in the blockchain, thereby presenting prospects for continuous learning. Artificial intelligence helps with a very thoughtful, intelligent and interactive manner, with the perfect training data needed for the algorithm.

Therefore, it is obvious that the leading AI-blockchain projects can provide exceptionally revolutionary results in their own capabilities.

As you can see, AI and blockchain improve each other’s capabilities, thereby providing greater flexibility and ease of use. At the same time, you may notice that you do not need to make compromises in terms of accountability and transparency when you choose examples of corporate blockchains based on these developments.

The best blockchain projects based on artificial intelligence

The advantages of using AI in the blockchain clearly create a basis for understanding the demand for these solutions. Companies want to capitalize on this symbiotic relationship. So, there are many new corporate blockchain projects on the market that use the functionality of AI to achieve promising results.

Now let’s learn about the best AI-blockchain projects that help in solving some important tasks for enterprises around the world.

  • Singularity NET

SingularityNET has recently taken a leading position when it comes to blockchain solutions based on artificial intelligence. Have you heard about Sofia, the world’s first humanoid robot with A who received the citizenship of the country? The Sophia development team continued to develop SingularityNET. The main goal of the team behind SingularityNET was to capitalize on the power of both exciting new technologies.

SingularityNET is one of the best AI-blockchain projects that help in creating a decentralized AI market. The trading platform can help in stimulating the creation and financing of artificial intelligence projects. Most importantly, SingularityNET was designed to serve as a global network for artificial intelligence algorithms.

Many people also doubt the complexity of using AI in the blockchain with SingularityNET. However, their services market was initially focused on only three areas, such as cybersecurity, cloud robotics and biomedical research.

The marketplace helps developers and companies in creating their projects, and also allows them to sell tools, data, services and algorithms. Another interesting aspect of SingularityNET directly points to the use of smart contracts.

In fact, SingularityNET is one of the best AI-blockchain projects because of its role in closing the gap between researchers developing AI tools and enterprises depending on the technology for specific purposes.

SingularityNET can help in projects that require large data sets to create powerful AI solutions. On the other hand, it can also support organizations that need customized solutions in this area.

  • DeepBrain Chain

Another name that comes across when you find the best AI-blockchain projects undoubtedly refers to the DeepBrain Chain. The DeepBrain Chain project is, in fact, a decentralized artificial intelligence computing platform with better economic efficiency and privacy guarantees. It uses blockchain technology and actually performs the functions of a decentralized neural network.

So, the DeepBrain Chain is one of the most preferred sources for using a decentralized cloud computing network that can support AI development.

The developers of DeepBrain Chain suggested that the project is focused on the transition from the existing NEP-5 chain. On the other hand, it provides blockchain management.

Most importantly, DeepBrain Chain can also perform important functions to ensure highly reliable data trading. At the same time, DeepBrain Chain also provides an increase in the value of data, along with ensuring confidentiality, by differentiating the use and ownership of data.

  • Thought AI

Another example of the use of artificial intelligence in the blockchain with Thought AI. The project actually represents a unique look at the entire AI-blockchain combination. It creates a new type of analytical approach using AI, embedded data and blockchain.

Moreover, it helps digital information to act independently, without requiring an application layer. This unique approach will combine logic and data, and create an AI solution that will be responsive, efficient and useful.

It can help scale artificial intelligence across the entire business, create meaningful value, reduce development time and manage it without any problems.

So, you can think of Thought AI as one of the best projects with an interesting interactive angle.

  • Blackbird.AI

One of the outstanding solutions that the world is currently interested in points to Blackbird.AI. Many websites and online sources have flooded the Internet with fake news. Therefore, it is difficult for people to distinguish reliable news from fake news. Blackbird.AI is one of the best projects with innovations for combining AI and blockchain for content analysis.

It also helps in verifying the authenticity of the content, thereby effectively filtering out fake news without any problems. The project uses AI to filter and classify content based on certain confidence indicators. Confidence indicators help to determine whether a particular news item contains hate speech, misinformation or satire.

  • Matrix AI

It is impossible to build a collection of the best AI-blockchain projects without enabling Matrix AI. It can use the functionality of artificial intelligence-based technologies, such as natural language processing or NLP. At the same time, Matrix AI also provides the basic functions necessary for the blockchain.

Notable features of Matrix AI relate to dynamic delegation networks, intelligent contracts with automatic coding, adaptive blockchain parameters, AI-based blockchain security, and others.

In addition, Matrix AI also has a secure AI-based virtual machine. The virtual machine helps to recognize possible loopholes and negative intentions, meeting the needs for reliability.


And one last thing: it is obvious that many of the best AI-blockchain projects are currently focused on development. However, there are many other examples demonstrating the use of AI in blockchain for various sectors, such as healthcare.

In the long term, it is reasonable to expect other innovative achievements among AI-based blockchain projects. Thus, the experience of working with blockchain with a special focus on AI may become the most important factor for employment.