What is the protocol? It is possible to write custom notes on the chain in a standardized and structured way. The native utility token is $RMRK. Skybreach has currency in the RMRK metaverse. Currency in the official marketplace. There is a prevention of fungible token spam. There is auration in NFT galleries. There is governance of platform-wide parameters. Curation is not necessarily NFT related. There is a correlation between DeFi protocols like Karura and others. The multi-chain architecture can be used to interact with the NFTs. There is a whitelabel of the products and apps. You can use the $RMRK token to fund your account with applications like BadCall.
The tools include: On the command line and in web apps, there are RMRK tools that interact with NFTs. You can write your own implementation of the spec. Pin tools are regularly cleaned from services like Pinata. There is a renderer for RMRK2 composable NFTs.
Is there a lot of $RMRK in circulation? The community who bought Kanaria eggs received 86 percent of the token supply. 5% of the token are locked for the founding team and the rest is lent to market makers for exchange liquidity. There is no program to buy back the token.
Who are the people who started the organization? Bruno kvorc was a technical education teacher at Web 3 Foundation. The team was expanded to 4 in February of 2021.
Where can I buy this item? The $RMRK token is a utility in the Substrate platform.