icon - Bitcoin BEP2
BTCB Bitcoin BEP2
+ 2.36%
$ 67,058.34673161
Volume 24h
Circulating supply
Change 24h
Graph (7d)
  • -
    Bitcoin BEP2
    $ 67,058.34673161
    $ 3,622,022,044
    $ 661,490,677
    54,013 BTCB
    + 2.36%

Bitcoin BEP2. Price of cryptocurrency: $ 67,058.34673161

What is the name of the coin?
There is a token on the chain. The price of each BTCB is pegged to the price of Bitcoin at a rate of 1 BTCB.
The reserve address was published by the exchange to show the transparency of the BEP2 project, as well as to show the interest of third parties who can check the data with the number of BTCB token issued.
Since its launch on April 18, the Binance Chain has been able to achieve good results.

Who are the people who created BEP2?
Changpeng Zhao is the founder and CEO of Binance, which became the world's largest exchange by daily traded volume within 180 days. He received a degree in computer science from the University of Montreal.
He founded BijieTech in 2015. Around the same time he launched his own futures platform, Zhao was the co-founder and CTO of OKCoin. He is the head of the technology department.
What makes BEP2 unique?
Developers struggle with obstacles that include high fees and a cumbersome process for creating smart contracts due to the fact that Bitcoin is not strong when it comes to Defi.
The BTCB token is backed by their own reserve coin.

Even if the BTC is hosted on a completely different platform, traders on the DEX have the opportunity to trade it. It is an advantage for users of the exchange that the range of available assets has grown. Many users are willing to store their money on the platform in order to access it, because of the strong reputation of the platform. The project has a high degree of transparency and anyone can check the reserves at any time. Exchange representatives claim that this approach is easier to understand and master than atomic swaps. The platform streamlines the process if developers wish to transfer their assets.

There are related pages.

What is the smart chain?
What is the BEP-2 standard?
You can check out all the latest news on.
How many BEP2 coins are in circulation?
The BEP-2 technical standard is used to issue and sell the BEP2 token. The native token for paying fees is called Binance Coin.
You can exchange your coins for any other token on the DEX.
The currency has a circulating supply and a total supply.
How is the BEP2 network secured?
There is a combination of delegated proof-of-stake and practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance in the Binance Chain. The energy-intensive proof-of-work is an alternative to the two consensus algorithms.
Where can you buy BEP2?
The digital asset cannot be mined for profit. BEP2 can be traded like other assets. You need to purchase it through exchanges.
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