icon - NEAR Protocol
NEAR NEAR Protocol
+ 11.48%
$ 7.35291582
Volume 24h
Circulating supply
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Graph (7d)
  • -
    NEAR Protocol
    $ 7.35291582
    $ 7,750,093,216
    $ 564,919,530
    1,054,016,312 NEAR
    + 11.48%

NEAR Protocol. Price of cryptocurrency: $ 7.35291582

To find out more about this project, check out our deep dive.
What is close to the protocol?
Low transaction speeds, low throughput, and poor interoperability are some of the limitations that have hindered the growth of competing blockchains. The ideal environment for DAPPS is provided by this. The NEAR uses account names that are readable by humans.
The NEAR Collective is updating the initial code and releasing updates to the ecosystem for NEAR Protocol.
Mintbase, an NFT minting platform, and Flux, a protocol that allows developers to create markets based on assets, commodities, real-world events, are examples of projects being built on NEAR Protocol.

Who are the founding fathers of protocol?
NEAR Protocol was founded by a man with experience on Wall Street and Viking Education. Illia Polosukhin, who has more than ten years of industry experience, and Alexander Skidanov, a computer scientist who worked at Microsoft, were his co-founding partners. NEAR Protocol has an extensive team of experienced developers that includes several International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) gold medalists and winners.

What makes NEAR Protocol unique?
Nightshade technology is used by NEAR to improve transaction throughput. Nightshade is a variation of sharding, in which individual sets of validators process transactions in parallel across multiple chains.
The NEAR Protocol improves upon the complicated process of other blockchains by having human-readable addresses and building applications with similar registration flow to what users have already experienced.
There is a Near Protocol Ecosystem Fund.
Following in the footsteps of various Layer-1sBlockchains like Fantom and Celo, NEAR announced a $800 million in ecosystem funding initiatives on October 25, 2021. The fund will be used to bankroll initiatives that will focus on growth in the NEAR protocol. $350 million of the fund is from Proximity Labs. Out of the total fund, $250 million will be used to help existing projects scale, and $100 million will be allocated to the startup grant pools. NEAR will focus on funding teams that are revolutionizing and reimagining the way we interact with money. Near recently raised $150 million in seed investment led by Three Arrows Capital, with additional participation from Mechanism Capital, a16z, Jump, Alameda, and more.
Near Protocol for Developers.

The Near team announced the release of a software development kit.
According to the NEAR team, this is ten times more than the global population of 2.5 million programmers that use Rust and Solidity.
Developers can spend less time learning a new language and more time building their application in a language they already know.

Protocol expansion is close by.
The NEAR protocol has grown rapidly due to a focus on ease of use.
The wallet has over 300k downloads of its web extension and is already connected to over 20 leading projects.

There is a

Near Protocol's security.

There are pages related to this.
The Internet of Things is being supported by Iota (MIOTA).
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In our deep dive about DAOs, learn how they work.
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How many Near Protocol (NEAR) Coins are in circulation?
The total supply of NEAR is 1 billion.

Community Grants make up 17.2%. The grants were 11.4%. The Foundation Endowment has 10%. The Early Ecosystem was 11.7%. Core Contributors contribute 14 percent. The backers are 17.6%. Small backers are 6.1%. There is a community sale.
5% of additional supply is issued each year to support the network as rewards, of which 90% goes to validators and 10% to the protocol treasury.

Fees are charged for processing transactions and storing data. Running a validator on the network. How network resources are allocated is determined by governance votes.

How close is the protocol network to being secured?
A variation of the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism is used by NEAR. A block is considered finalized when it has received the first communication round.
The NEAR Foundation is a Swiss-based non-profit dedicated to protocol maintenance.

Where can you buy protocol?
NEAR is available on a number of websites.
Is it a new person?