icon - Kaspa
KAS Kaspa
$ 0.07747653
Volume 24h
Circulating supply
Change 24h
Graph (7d)
  • 35
    $ 0.07747653
    $ 2,007,970,551
    $ 38,918,158
    0 KAS

Kaspa. Price of cryptocurrency: $ 0.07747653

What is KASPA?
The GHOSTDAG protocol is implemented by Kaspa. GHOSTDAG does not allow orphan blocks to be created in parallel and instead orders them in consensus. The blockDAG is actually a part of the Kaspa blockchain.
Future implementation of layer 2 solutions will be much easier due to the cool features included in the Kaspa implementation.

Who are the founding fathers of Kaspa?
The investment by PolyChain led to the creation of Kaspa.
Kaspa is a completely open source project with no business model.
The founder is a Postdoc at Harvard University.
The paper on Ghost protocol was written by Yonatan.
The implementation and stabilization of the network was made possible by the contributions of the core developers and contributors.

What makes Kaspa unique?
The level of security offered by proof-of-work environments is unique to Kaspa. The main net operates at 1 block per second.
There is a monetary policy that decreases emissions based on the scale of music. The policy was activated with a block reward of 440 KAS. The block reward will be halved once per year, but it will be reduced every month. The ratio of block rewards in consecutive months is the same as the ratio of frequencies of two consecutive semitones.
The policy dictates how many coins are produced per second.

Pages that are related
There is a proof-of-work consensus mechanism used in Bitcoin.
There is more information about how to understand a white paper.
You can find more about directed acyclic graph on the glossary page.
Do you want to keep track of the prices?
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How many Kas pa Coins are in circulation?
There are over 8 billion KAS in circulation.

How is the network secured?
The k-Heavyhash is used in the Kaspa network and is secured through Proof of Work.
When Photonic miners became available, Heavyhash was chosen.

Where can you buy Kas pa?
Kaspa is available on a number of exchanges.