icon - Bit2Me
B2M Bit2Me
+ 0.4%
$ 0.00701318
Volume 24h
Circulating supply
Change 24h
Graph (7d)
  • -
    $ 0.00701318
    $ 34,647,089
    $ 1
    0 B2M
    + 0.4%

Bit2Me. Price of cryptocurrency: $ 0.00701318

Bit2Me, what it is?
The main mission of Bit2Me is to generate education and adoption of cryptocurrencies in Southern Europe. The Education division is the largest of its kind in the Spanish speaking world. The B2M token is at the center of everything we do, and we have 20 different adoption tools and services.
What is the Bit2Me token (B2M)?
B2M token is a utility token. Bit2Me is Spain's largestcryptocurrencies exchange. Users can get access to special features and advantages within our product suite, as well as products and services offered by our current and future partners, with the help of an ERC20 token.
If you want to buy B2M token on one of the top exchanges, you should look at Bit2Me, Bittrex, Uniswap, QuickSwap, and MEXC.
Who are the people who started Bit2Me?
The co-founder and COO of Bit2Me is Andrei Manuel. Leif has 15 years of experience in computing and cryptocurrencies. The two main pillars of Bit2Me were defined by Leif and Andrei in 2014).
There is adoption of cryptocurrencies.
What makes Bit2Me different?
Our competitors also have a full suite. We provide customer care, telephone support, and customer success account managers for small accounts in native Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, and none of them focus on our niche demographic. Southern Europe and Latin America has always been our main focus. 80% of our 450K verfified users are residents of theiberia peninsula and Italy, and we have 3 million alumni in our Bit2Me Academy this year.
How many B2M token are there in circulation?
There is a maximum supply of 5,000,000,000 B2M, which is currently in circulation. B2M tokenomics can be found on Bit2Me's website.
The product suite.
We have a product suite.
There is a wallet that can be used to store and send multiple cryptocurrencies. You can buy cryptocurrencies with a card, bank transfer or cash. Sell cryptocurrencies and get money. Exchange between cryptocurrencies with a simple click. The explorer is a multi-currency Blockchain. You can live convert the prices of Cryptocurrencies. Find our where to use your cryptocurrencies. Buy cryptocurrencies with cash. Accept cryptocurrencies in your business The card has a Mastercard logo. Large amounts of cryptocurrencies can be bought and sold over the counter. Buy and sell large amounts of Cryptocurrencies. Pay is the easiest way to send money. Bit2Me is with you anywhere, anytime. High Frequency trading for Cryptocurrencies.
Where can you buy Bit2Me token?

Is it a new person in the world of cryptocurrencies?
B2M holders can use the token to become closer to our community.
Upcoming coin listings will be notified. You can vote on features. You can earn rewards. Buying and selling discounts can be accessed. Access to upcoming campaigns. Airdrops. Premium updates are new.
B2M is available on the BSC and on the ether. B2M will be added to more blockchains in the coming months.