icon - Arweave
AR Arweave
$ 7.28618984
Volume 24h
Circulating supply
Change 24h
Graph (7d)
  • 90
    $ 7.28618984
    $ 478,356,331
    $ 24,280,573
    0 AR

Arweave. Price of cryptocurrency: $ 7.28618984

What is Arweave?

To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive.
The Arweave network pays "miners" to keep the network's information indefinitely.
The project was first announced as Archain in August of 2017.

Who are the founding fathers of Arweave?
Sam Williams and William Jones founded Arweave. Williams came to the project with experience in distributed systems, having developed an operating system called HydrOS as a part of his studies, while Jones focused on graph theory and neural networking.
Williams said he came up with the idea while walking up a mountain in Scotland and brought it to Jones.
Arweave was founded with centralized leadership, but in January 2020 it launched a decentralized organization comprised of core community members to further the development and expansion of the network.

What makes Arweave unique?
Arweave wants to ensure the "collective ability to store and share information between individuals and across time to new generations," according to its yellow paper.
Arweave is focused on building a sustainable network. In June 2020, it unveiled "profit sharing token," which allows developers to receive dividends when network transaction fees are generated from their application, and it hosts incubators to support the building of permaweb-based apps.
Arweave received $8.3 million in funding in March 2020.

There are pages related to this.
The creators of the InterPlanetary File System created a distributed storage network called Filecoin.
You can learn about the native currency of the distributed cloud storage network.

The latest in technological innovations can be found in the Blog.

How many Arweave Coins are in circulation?

In August of last year, Arweave held a token pre-sale event in which 10.8% of the initially generated token supply was sold, and two public sales were completed in May and June of last year, in which 7.1% and 1.1% of the supply was sold, respectively.

How is the Arweave Network secured?
A modified version of proof-of-work is used in the Arweave network. Each new block is linked to a previous block immediately prior to it, and both blocks are hashed to generate the new one.
Four cybersecurity firms audited the mining protocol used by Arweave, RandomX, in August 2019.

Where can I buy Arweave?
AR can be purchased on a number of exchanges.
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