icon - Adshares
ADS Adshares
$ 0.22429169
Volume 24h
Circulating supply
Change 24h
Graph (7d)
  • 605
    $ 0.22429169
    $ 8,691,199
    $ 92
    0 ADS

Adshares. Price of cryptocurrency: $ 0.22429169

Adshares Protocol is a protocol. Adshares is a protocol designed to provide ad software to the ad tech industry. The main components of Adshares are the protocol and the blockchain. The protocol for transmission of advertising information that operates based on the blockchain is responsible for the transmission of payment transactions.
Adshares wants to become the global web3 advertising standard.
One can monetize their space by joining the publisher network.
The implementation of our software tools is highlyScalable for the entire advertising market and may be the default marketing planning solution for any companies, metaverses, or P2E games.
This is what Adshares does.
Decentralized Web3 ad networks and software. Simplifies the adoption of a new technology by the ad tech industry. Advertising buying and value chain transparency is brought about by this. Agencies can manage their digital advertising assets. Digital space can be monetized across Web2 and Web3. Advertising transactions without middleman. The Metaverse and web3 apps can be used to place ads. Publishers can be paid directly and immediately.

More than 2 thousand advertisers and hundreds of publishers have been served by the Adshares ad network. There are ads in virtual worlds like Decentraland.

The company has created a complete "sandbox" with all of the above.

What makes a Metaverse-ready Utilitarian coin? The digital advertising settlement for high-volume ad transactions is served by the ADS coin. All ad settlements are made by the same company. Direct payment deals are created between publisher and advertiser.

The dPoS consensus makes the Adshares block chain lighter, faster and more eco-friendly than PoW chains. 1,400,000+ transactions per second can be handled by the proprietary blockchain. The native burning causes the coins to be deflationary.
The transparency of the ad-buying value chain is the practical value of ADS. The future utility of ADS coin for holders is the chance to vote on proposals and decisions of the platform development, as Adshares plans to implement a DAO in Q4 2022.
ADS wants to become the main payment tool for advertising transactions.
Where can you buy ad shares? There are bridges from the native chain to the ERC-20, BSC, and Polygon blockchains in the ADS token.
ADS is available on major DEX exchanges like Uni swap, Pancake swap, Quick swap as well as CEX - Bitmart and Changelly.