Buy DEL for 0.88 RUB
using ВТБ Банк, Альфа Банк, Сбербанк, Банк Русский Стандарт, Газпромбанк, Росбанк, Промсвязьбанк, Райффайзен Банк, Тинькофф

User kent287071 sells DEL with a limit of 500.0000 - 86286.0000 RUB

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Commission0 DEL
BTT Token payment

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Ad authorkent287071
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ВТБ Банк, Альфа Банк, Сбербанк, Банк Русский Стандарт, Газпромбанк, Росбанк, Промсвязьбанк, Райффайзен Банк, Тинькофф

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Exchange RUB on DEL with a price 0.88 RUB.
User kent287071 in advertisement 2ABIfZzo9 exchanges DEL on RUB with limits 500.0000 - 86286.0000 RUB.
As a payment systems you can use ВТБ Банк, Альфа Банк, Сбербанк, Банк Русский Стандарт, Газпромбанк, Росбанк, Промсвязьбанк, Райффайзен Банк, Тинькофф.
Where to store BTT tokens?

Until the end of the tokensale, the tokens you purchased will be stored on your personal account. After completion, the funds will be transferred to the ERC-20 compatible wallet you specified.

Can the user be trusted or not

Our service uses a rating and feedback system for users who have made there are also statistics on the number of transactions and the total amount of transactions based on these values you can make the right choice in favor of a trusted user.

How is account security ensured?

Various algorithms will be used to protect the user's account, including: 1. Two-factor authentication (using google 2fa or notifications with a secret code in telegram) 2. Mandatory confirmation of all withdrawal actions by means of an e-mail message. 3. Special system for analyzing account behavioral factors (comparison of login IP addresses and analysis of actions on the account) 4. Administration of account actions by a special security department. Also, each account initially has restrictions on the transaction amount, which can be removed by passing the AML verification procedure.

How does the deal with the user work

At the time of the transaction, the cryptocurrency is deposited by the BIT.TEAM service, the user purchasing the cryptocurrency makes a transfer to the seller's details and after the seller confirms receipt of funds, the cryptocurrency is released from the Deposit and transferred to the buyer's balance.

What should I do if I paid and the seller doesn't confirm the transaction

In such cases, arbitration is opened and the administration of our Bank is involved in the transaction process. For example, you should attach screenshots of the transfer of funds to the merchant's details and briefly explain the problem in the message text.

The user is verified.
Attention!!! Do not send funds before accepting the transaction or if the transaction is canceled for any reason. Do not confirm the transaction until you are sure that the funds have been received.
The transaction will be canceled automatically if the user does not accept it within 10 minutes.
The system automatically deposits funds only after the second party accepts the transaction.