Token balance | from 1,000,000 BTT | from 500,0000 BTT | from 100,0000 BTT |
Discount rate | 50% | 25% | 10% |
If the coin you receive as a result of the transaction is BTC, we will calculate it by the exchange ratio of BTC to BTT at the market price, which is based on the average market value of BTT.
Calculation example: a BTC/RUB transaction was completed, the commission amounted to 0.002 BTC (0.1% or 0.001 BTC - BIT.TEAM service commission and 0.001 - goes to the referral program), at the transaction rate we calculate the commission amount in the BTC / BTT ratio, let's say the exchange rate was 1 000,000 RUB/ 1 BTC, that is, 0.1% of 1,000,000 = 1,000 RUB, and the average BTT rate at the time of the transaction is 0.3 RUB, which means that the platform commission will be 3333.3333 BTT, then the discount is calculated in % ratio, which is indicated in the table above.